Monday, December 20, 2010

3 months old!

On December 17, Ryan turned 3 months old.  He continues to surprise us every day.  He's becoming very "chatty" these days, making all kinds of noises trying to communicate.  He also loves to grab things now- especially Mommy's hair!  Here are some fun pictures from the last few weeks:

Here's Duke.  He's still feeling a little put out by Ryan.  He now thinks the couch is his bed (as it is farthest from the crying baby at night).  He is clinging to his "Duke" pillow here. 
Here is Ryan playing with Daddy in the mirror:
Ryan and Daddy reading together.  This is a rare moment for Ryan.  We are still working on sitting still for story time, haha.
Tummy time with the octopus toy:
Duke's tummy time with the octopus toy:

Ryan's First Thanksgiving

Ryan's mommy has been a very delinquent blogger recently!  She had to start back to work after Thanksgiving, and it has been a whirlwind ever since.  Luckily things are going well, and Ryan is enjoying his new friends at daycare. 

Ryan had a wonderful first Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, and a huge turkey!  We celebrated at Nana and Papa's house with many aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Here are some of our pictures.

Ryan with Kristina and her sister Sephia:

Ryan had a lot of fun with "Great" Uncle Mike:
Daddy with his masterpiece- the turkey!
Ryan was not satisfied with his own seat for dinner, he had to be at the head of the table with Nana:
Then he sat with "Great" Uncle Dan:
And then cousin Sean:
And finally- Nonny, Ryan's great-grandmother:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

2 months old

On November 17, Ryan turned 2 months old!  We can't believe how much he has grown and changed so far!  He loves to smile and "chat" with us.  His favorite activities are playing with his toys on his playmat and watching the mobile over his crib.  Ryan had his checkup last week and was lucky enough to have his doctors come to our house for the visit.  Mommy was excited to see some of her friends.  Unfortunately for Ryan, they also brought his shots :(  He did great, though, and Mommy is glad he is too young to remember that they were given right on his own kitchen table.  Here is a fun picture of a happy Ryan ready for a walk around the neighborhood on a chilly day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ryan's Trip to Richmond

Last weekend, we had another great trip to Richmond to visit family and friends.  Ryan always enjoys staying at his Nana and Papa's house.  Mommy and Daddy enjoy having the extra hands around to help and spending some time with their friends.

Here are some great pictures of Ryan with Nana.  The last one is taken in Papa's office at the law school.  Ryan went for a visit to meet all of Papa's co-workers.  He was a big hit!

Next, Ryan visited Andre's salon so Mommy could get pampered with a manicure and pedicure.  Luckily, Nana was there to take him home, so he didn't have to sit around and inhale those fumes!
On Saturday, Ryan met his friend Libby who is only 2 months older than him!  Libby is Barbara and Josh's daughter.  They were visiting from Charlotte, NC.  These pictures of Ryan and Libby are hilarious.  Apparently he thinks girls have cooties. 

On Sunday, Ryan met Jake, another 2010 baby!  Jake is 6 months old.  Jake's mom is Katie, who was a resident at UVA with Mommy. 

Look at these great Dads!  Jake and Ryan are so lucky!

Finally- poor Duke is still trying to get Ryan to play ball with him.  It'll be a few more years buddy!

Ryan's Nursery

As many of you know, we have been waiting a long time for Ryan's crib and dresser to arrive.  They are finally here!  We are excited to finally start decorating the nursery.  Here are some photos of the new furniture and Ryan enjoying his mobile.  There's still a lot of work to do, but at least the basics are finally here!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ryan's First Halloween

This year for Halloween the Dynamic Duo arrived at the Chiu household.  Ryan joined his brother Duke as Batman and Robin.  You can tell from the pictures how happy they were to be dressed up!
I think they've just seen the bat signal!

Even superheros need a break!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Learning to Smile :)

This week Ryan has really been working hard on his smile.  Even though smiles are still often followed by a dirty diaper- we are convinced he is learning how to use it to impress us!  Here are some fun smiling pictures.

This weekend, Daddy celebrated his 30th birthday!  Here are a few cute pictures of Ryan and Daddy:

Here are some other fun pictures from this week:
Where's Ryan?
Tummy time is just too exhausting!
Duke has his own ideas for how to use the Boppy pillow:

Monday, October 18, 2010

One Month Old

This weekend Ryan celebrated his one month birthday- October 17.  Here are some pictures from the last week.

Duke really enjoys time playing on the floor with Ryan.  He can't wait until Ryan can actually play ball with him.

This week Ryan and Mommy took their first trips out of the house.  Here we are at the mall.  Mommy looks a little tired!

Ryan also took his first trip to a winery.  He hung out with his friend James.  Here are some pictures of Ryan with Courtney, Fred, and James.

Finally- here are some pictures of Ryan on his one month birthday.  He is getting so big!  Gotta love the hair- mommy forgot to brush it after the bath and this is what you get!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meeting the Cousins

It was another busy weekend in the Chiu household!  JC's family drove up from Florida for another visit with Ryan.  This time everyone came including Ryan's two cousins.  It was fun to have everyone in one place.  Here are some pictures.

Here is Ryan with his great grandmother and cousins, Aiden (5yrs) and Evan (16 months).

Ryan with his grandmother, aunt Sandra, and uncle Michael:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Busy Few Weeks

Ryan is now 2 weeks old and has had many new adventures.  Here is a fun picture of Ryan with Papa John out on the deck during his first barbecue.

Once the 90 degree weather was over, Ryan was ready for his first stroller outing around our neighborhood.

We soon realized that living in Charlottesville would require a stroller more capable of "off-road" adventures and climbing steep hills.  Here is Ryan at Nana and Papa's house in his new adventure stroller.

Last weekend, we took Ryan on his first trip to Richmond since Daddy had to attend a work retreat.  He had a great time at his Nana and Papa's house.  

Here is Ryan's first try at "tummy time."  Definitely not his favorite activity. 

   Having fun with Uncle Scott.

During the trip to Richmond, Ryan got to meet his friend Pax (5 months old), Lindsey's son.  Hard to believe they grow so fast!