Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Busy Few Weeks

Ryan is now 2 weeks old and has had many new adventures.  Here is a fun picture of Ryan with Papa John out on the deck during his first barbecue.

Once the 90 degree weather was over, Ryan was ready for his first stroller outing around our neighborhood.

We soon realized that living in Charlottesville would require a stroller more capable of "off-road" adventures and climbing steep hills.  Here is Ryan at Nana and Papa's house in his new adventure stroller.

Last weekend, we took Ryan on his first trip to Richmond since Daddy had to attend a work retreat.  He had a great time at his Nana and Papa's house.  

Here is Ryan's first try at "tummy time."  Definitely not his favorite activity. 

   Having fun with Uncle Scott.

During the trip to Richmond, Ryan got to meet his friend Pax (5 months old), Lindsey's son.  Hard to believe they grow so fast!

1 comment:

  1. Erin - it looks like Ryan is growing so quickly! We can't wait to see him when we get back. James misses his buddy!
