Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ryan's Trip to Richmond

Last weekend, we had another great trip to Richmond to visit family and friends.  Ryan always enjoys staying at his Nana and Papa's house.  Mommy and Daddy enjoy having the extra hands around to help and spending some time with their friends.

Here are some great pictures of Ryan with Nana.  The last one is taken in Papa's office at the law school.  Ryan went for a visit to meet all of Papa's co-workers.  He was a big hit!

Next, Ryan visited Andre's salon so Mommy could get pampered with a manicure and pedicure.  Luckily, Nana was there to take him home, so he didn't have to sit around and inhale those fumes!
On Saturday, Ryan met his friend Libby who is only 2 months older than him!  Libby is Barbara and Josh's daughter.  They were visiting from Charlotte, NC.  These pictures of Ryan and Libby are hilarious.  Apparently he thinks girls have cooties. 

On Sunday, Ryan met Jake, another 2010 baby!  Jake is 6 months old.  Jake's mom is Katie, who was a resident at UVA with Mommy. 

Look at these great Dads!  Jake and Ryan are so lucky!

Finally- poor Duke is still trying to get Ryan to play ball with him.  It'll be a few more years buddy!

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