Monday, December 20, 2010

3 months old!

On December 17, Ryan turned 3 months old.  He continues to surprise us every day.  He's becoming very "chatty" these days, making all kinds of noises trying to communicate.  He also loves to grab things now- especially Mommy's hair!  Here are some fun pictures from the last few weeks:

Here's Duke.  He's still feeling a little put out by Ryan.  He now thinks the couch is his bed (as it is farthest from the crying baby at night).  He is clinging to his "Duke" pillow here. 
Here is Ryan playing with Daddy in the mirror:
Ryan and Daddy reading together.  This is a rare moment for Ryan.  We are still working on sitting still for story time, haha.
Tummy time with the octopus toy:
Duke's tummy time with the octopus toy:

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