Monday, December 20, 2010

Ryan's First Thanksgiving

Ryan's mommy has been a very delinquent blogger recently!  She had to start back to work after Thanksgiving, and it has been a whirlwind ever since.  Luckily things are going well, and Ryan is enjoying his new friends at daycare. 

Ryan had a wonderful first Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, and a huge turkey!  We celebrated at Nana and Papa's house with many aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Here are some of our pictures.

Ryan with Kristina and her sister Sephia:

Ryan had a lot of fun with "Great" Uncle Mike:
Daddy with his masterpiece- the turkey!
Ryan was not satisfied with his own seat for dinner, he had to be at the head of the table with Nana:
Then he sat with "Great" Uncle Dan:
And then cousin Sean:
And finally- Nonny, Ryan's great-grandmother:

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