Monday, September 17, 2012

July 2012

This July, Mommy and Daddy took their first real vacation without Ryan.  They went to Harbour Island, Bahamas and had a great time!  Ryan stayed home with his Nana and Papa and had an equally good time :) 

Here, Ryan helps Mommy pack the essentials:

A picture perfect beach with our room/cottage at the top of the stairs:
The adventurer:

The only way to get around on the island:
Take out on our porch:
Our attempt at a Corona commercial:
Our cottage and amazing view:

The "International" airport, Bahamas style:

After Mommy and Daddy's return from vacation, Ryan joined them for a weekend trip to Smith Mountain Lake to visit Carrie, Dave, and little Sam.  Carrie's parents hosted us at their beautiful home, Ryan loved all the toys!

He was a little unsure of the water though:

He also wasn't so sure about his first boat ride, but we all had fun and can't wait to do it again!

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