Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Charlottesville Spring

We had a beautiful spring here in Charlottesville.  With our house on the market, we tried to spend most of the weekends outside enjoying the weather.  Here are some pics from March.

The elementary school near our house has a great playground and is walking distance.  Ryan likes to play on all the "big boy" things with Daddy's help.

We had several rainbows this spring.  Here is Mommy's attempt to get a picture. Ryan thought it was fun to go outside in the rain to take these pics.

Charlottesville has a great downtown pedestrian mall with lots of restaurants and shops.  We have discovered that it is a great place to take a toddler since you can eat outside and make as much noise and mess as you want!  Ryan's favorite part is the ice cream after dinner :) 

Of course one of our favorite activities in Charlottesville is visiting wineries.  Here is Ryan enjoying "Kite Day" at King Family Vineyards.

We spent St. Patrick's Day enjoying the sun at Veritas Vineyard.

These days if we're not out of the house exploring Charlottesville, we are usually out of the house in Richmond.  Ryan loves going to his "Nana Papa House" :) 

Here he helps with the mail.

Goofing off:

Playing at the nearby Children's Museum in Short Pump:

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