Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Winnie the Pooh Comes to Town

This year for Halloween, Ryan was very excited to dress up as Winnie the Pooh.  Mommy figured she didn't have too many years where she could get away with such "cute" costumes :)   Winnie the Pooh was very busy during the last week of October.  He started with a trip to Daddy's office for their annual Halloween party.

He was a big hit with all the ladies, haha.  Here he is blowing kisses to the crowd.  Ryan pretty much skipped the stranger anxiety phase.

A few days later, Pooh was at it again for the daycare Halloween parade.  His teachers were very excited that one of his friends happened to dress up as Piglet (look at that poor kid!).  This "parade" was right before nap time, so Piglet was exhausted!  Pooh, of course, was thinking, "Nap? What nap?"

Finally after lots of practice in the Pooh costume, it was actually October 31!  Ryan joined all of the children from Charlottesville on the UVA lawn.  What a great time!  Ryan loved it, and Mommy and Daddy could barely keep up with him.  He didn't really understand the concept of trick-or-treating, but somehow he got a Snickers bar and Reeses Peanut Butter Cup in his pumpkin and was obsessed with them!  Eventually, he got them unwrapped and tried candy for the first time :) 

But- even better than the candy- there were plenty of leaf piles and hills to climb.

Happy Halloween!

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