Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Ryan!

September 17th was Ryan's 1st birthday!  We can't believe an entire year has gone by!  For Ryan's birthday, his Grandma and Grandpa Chiu came up to visit from Florida for the weekend.  We had such a great time celebrating Ryan for three straight days.

The weekend started with a day off work for Mommy and Daddy.  Even on a day off it's important to keep in touch with your Blackberry...

On Friday, we visited Pippen Hill Farm winery.  It was so beautiful, and Ryan loved exploring.

Saturday was the big day :)  We started with a trip to Carter's Mountain for apple picking.  We weren't sure if Ryan would really understand the concept- but he surprised us.  He caught on right away and loved picking the apples.  He couldn't stop smiling and laughing.  By the end of the weekend he had added the word "apple" to his repertoire.

After a busy day picking apples, it was time to return home and open presents!  Ryan had a little preview of opening presents at his Nana and Papa's house the weekend before, so this time he was very interested in opening things himself.

Ryan learned how to use his new "kitchen" tools from a few real chefs...

Then the real toys came empty wrapping paper roll!

Ryan- ready for his close up:

Finally it was time for a pizza dinner (Ryan's favorite) and cake! 

Happy Birthday Ryan!!

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