Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer Weekends

We've had a lot of fun this summer with weekend outings and just hanging out at home.  Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.

Ryan and Daddy at Blue Mountain Brewery.  What a pair!

Ryan and Duke are still evolving their relationship :)  Ryan thinks Duke is lots of fun.  He has learned to throw Duke his ball, and Duke is very gentle with Ryan when they play.  Now that Ryan drops lots of food, I think they are becoming better friends!

The kiddie pool is popular at our house!  Daddy has his hands full with this crowd.  Ryan and Duke had a great time though.

Here's Ryan enjoying one of his favorite foods- yogurt! Mostly he enjoys making a big mess :)  The second picture is another great view of Ryan's crazy hair.  You can also see his many teeth.

Naked baby time!  Ryan likes to run around right before his bath.  He's also a big help with laundry these days because he loves to push the baskets around.

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