Sunday, June 26, 2011

Michael and Rachael's Wedding

Last month, Ryan's Uncle Michael got married.  The wedding was right down the road in Lynchburg, VA.  It was so much fun to get together with family to celebrate such a happy occasion.

Here's Ryan with Daddy at the rehearsal luncheon.

Ryan with the groom.

This was Ryan's first time staying in a hotel, which was an adventure for all of us.  We did enjoy the pool though!

It was a busy day, so Ryan took a nap in the middle of the reception.  Literally in the "middle" of the reception hall.

Nana and Papa were there too!  Here's a fun picture from the dance floor.

Ryan had fun on the dance floor too!

It was fun to have the whole family together!  Here is Ryan with his Grandpa Chiu:

Ryan with his great-grandmother:

Ryan with the bride and groom:

Family pictures:

Ryan and Daddy:

Flying away with Uncle Scott at the end of the day.

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