Tuesday, February 1, 2011

4 Months Old

On January 17, Ryan turned 4 months old!  This has been a fun month!  Ryan is really starting to interact with his toys.  He usually has a big smile on his face and laughs and squeals all day.  By far his biggest accomplishment has been learning to sleep "through the night."  Yay!  Of course, for a 4 month old that means a 6 hour stretch, but that is a huge improvement from the 3-4 hour stretches we were getting before!  Mommy and Daddy are much happier people these days with a little sleep.  Ryan is also enjoying daycare.  He seems very happy there and has even weathered 2 colds successfully, haha.   Here are some pictures from the last few weeks.

This picture is from the neighborhood Christmas tree bonfire.

Ryan, the sophisticated baby that he is, recently visited the Barboursville winery. 
This was a great candid shot where Ryan had just bumped Daddy's wine glass spilling red wine all over!  You can see a little on Ryan's sleeve, oops!
Ryan was joined at the winery by a group of friends from Mommy's residency.  He was well looked after by so many pediatricians.
Finally, here's a fun picture of Ryan at home in his chair.  He enjoys sitting at the table with Mommy and Daddy for meals.   

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