Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Busy November

November was a busy month of traveling for the Chiu family.  First- Mommy and Daddy took their first weekend away since Ryan was born.  Ryan had a great time staying in Richmond with his Nana and Papa while Mommy and Daddy went to St. Louis for a wedding.  We had a great time and really enjoyed the city and seeing some old college friends.

The arch was amazing, but very difficult to photograph!

Though we were out and about a lot this month, there was still plenty of time at home to run around the house in your diaper and socks!

For Thanksgiving week, we traveled to Orlando to visit the Chiu's.  What a great time!  Ryan was a little wild on the plane ride, but luckily it was a short ride.  He loved playing with his cousins: Aiden (6yrs) and Evan (2 1/2 yrs). 

Here are some pictures from our trip. 

Here is a VERY close up of Ryan goofing off for the camera as usual:

We had a fun trip to Animal Kingdom with the whole gang- three kids, three strollers, and plenty of adults to chase them all over the park.

Next we had a great lunch at a beautiful golf club near Grandma and Grandpa's house. 

Then it was time for the Thanksgiving feast.  Ryan chose to eat only mashed potatoes, but for the rest of us there was plenty of wonderful food!

Ryan loved playing with all of Aiden and Evan's toys.  Here he is trying his hand at the tricycle.  He found he preferred pushing it to riding it.  Can you see all that hair blowing in the wind?

Back in Richmond after a fun week of travel, we still had time to visit with Nana, Papa, Uncle Scott "Cott," and Aunt Kristina "Tina."

The weather was amazing for late November, so we took advantage and went to Maymont park.

Look at all these handsome guys!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Winnie the Pooh Comes to Town

This year for Halloween, Ryan was very excited to dress up as Winnie the Pooh.  Mommy figured she didn't have too many years where she could get away with such "cute" costumes :)   Winnie the Pooh was very busy during the last week of October.  He started with a trip to Daddy's office for their annual Halloween party.

He was a big hit with all the ladies, haha.  Here he is blowing kisses to the crowd.  Ryan pretty much skipped the stranger anxiety phase.

A few days later, Pooh was at it again for the daycare Halloween parade.  His teachers were very excited that one of his friends happened to dress up as Piglet (look at that poor kid!).  This "parade" was right before nap time, so Piglet was exhausted!  Pooh, of course, was thinking, "Nap? What nap?"

Finally after lots of practice in the Pooh costume, it was actually October 31!  Ryan joined all of the children from Charlottesville on the UVA lawn.  What a great time!  Ryan loved it, and Mommy and Daddy could barely keep up with him.  He didn't really understand the concept of trick-or-treating, but somehow he got a Snickers bar and Reeses Peanut Butter Cup in his pumpkin and was obsessed with them!  Eventually, he got them unwrapped and tried candy for the first time :) 

But- even better than the candy- there were plenty of leaf piles and hills to climb.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

October Fun

Ryan had a very busy October.  The weather was beautiful in Charlottesville, so we spent almost every weekend out exploring.  We also made a trip to Richmond to visit some great friends.  Here are some fun pics from our adventures this month.

Ryan loves apples!  Ever since we visited Carter Mountain Orchard on his birthday, he has learned the word "apple" and always wants to eat them.  This was his first attempt at eating the apple straight off the core.

When the weather is nice, Ryan is always asking Mommy and Daddy to take him to another winery around Charlottesville.  This time, we decided to get fancy and visit the new "Trump" winery.  Ryan brought his sunglasses so he would fit in with the classy crowd.

Ready for his close up...

Mommy was pretty excited to take pictures of the "Trump" logo.

October 24 was Daddy's birthday. 

We celebrated at home and then again with our friends in Richmond.  Sara and her new baby Vaughan came to visit and we all got together at the Nolde's house.  What a great night!

Look at this crew!  The moms all went to high school together. 

In his down time, Ryan likes to work on new hairstyles.  Here he uses banana to form a mohawk.

And then a cheese stick as a hair extension...

Another beautiful weekend, and where's Ryan?   Jefferson vineyards for an outdoor bluegrass concert.  With plenty of adult supervision of course...