Monday, September 17, 2012

July 2012

This July, Mommy and Daddy took their first real vacation without Ryan.  They went to Harbour Island, Bahamas and had a great time!  Ryan stayed home with his Nana and Papa and had an equally good time :) 

Here, Ryan helps Mommy pack the essentials:

A picture perfect beach with our room/cottage at the top of the stairs:
The adventurer:

The only way to get around on the island:
Take out on our porch:
Our attempt at a Corona commercial:
Our cottage and amazing view:

The "International" airport, Bahamas style:

After Mommy and Daddy's return from vacation, Ryan joined them for a weekend trip to Smith Mountain Lake to visit Carrie, Dave, and little Sam.  Carrie's parents hosted us at their beautiful home, Ryan loved all the toys!

He was a little unsure of the water though:

He also wasn't so sure about his first boat ride, but we all had fun and can't wait to do it again!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

April-June 2012

As we continued to wait for our house in Charlottesville to sell (took 3 months!), we kept busy out and about around Charlottesville and Richmond.  Here are some pics from Mommy's phone over the last few months.

When we got the bumpo out to return to the Noldes, Ryan decided to give it one more spin.  He called it a "potty."

One day, we were all excited to find that Superman had arrived to help out around the house.

Love these awesome PJ's handed down from Ryan's cousins in Florida:

A day at the park with Daddy:

First balloon animal and so excited about it (at the Cville Farmers' Market):

With Scott and Kristina's wedding coming up, Ryan had to try on his outfit.  He was only willing to try one or two pieces at a time, which resulted in some hilarious pictures.

Then it was off to try our first Richmond Flying Squirrels game.  Ryan was a little overwhelmed by all the activity, but he lasted a few innings.  We can't wait to try again.

Hamming it up at the dinner table:

Richmond annual Greek Festival, mmmmmmm :)  These pictures are deceiving though because Ryan actually refused to eat anything.

During our last weekend living in Cville, we went to the Starry Nights outdoor concert at Veritas Vineyards.  Ryan fit right in!

That same weekend we attended a UVA Housestaff event at Blue Mountain Brewery. 

We celebrated the big move to Richmond with a bbq at Katherine and Conor's house.  Barb, Josh, and Libby were visiting, so we tried to recapture Ryan and Libby in a photo together.

Here was their first photo  (Ryan age 2 months, Libby age 4 months):

And here they are now  (Ryan 21 months, Libby 23 months):