Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ryan at "School"

A few weeks ago, Mommy attended her first parent-teacher conference :)  It was pretty funny.  The best part was that Ryan's teacher shared all of her photos of Ryan from the past few months.  Here's a look inside Ryan's days at school...

Thanksgiving feast:

Ryan the red-nosed reindeer:



Learning about sweet and sour.  Apparently Ryan was only willing to try the sour and, despite this face, went back for more!

Learning about wet and dry:

Learning heavy and light:

Busy collecting snow:

A classic- catching snow on his tongue:

Ryan loves the sandbox!  Every afternoon we take his shoes off outside the house because they are full of sand.

Fun outside:

Making friends with a neighbor:

We are so lucky that Ryan has had such a great experience at his daycare over the last year and a half.  We hope we can find a place he loves just as much in Richmond this summer when we move!