Monday, February 20, 2012

Mobile Uploads

Here's some never before seen footage of Ryan from November 2011 to February 2012 as documented on Mommy's phone.

Thanksgiving trip to Orlando, a little blurry but still cute.  Ryan was 14 months.

When we came back from Orlando, we brought an extra suitcase borrowed from the Chiu's.  Once we got home and unpacked, we found this hat inside.

 Naked baby playing basketball before bed!

  Opening an early Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa.

The Richmond Children's Museum for James's birthday party at the end of December.

Another visit to the Children's Museum in Short Pump over Christmas break in Richmond.  Love this picture!

Ryan loves to "cook."

A typical Saturday in the Chiu household. 

After the nap, James came to visit, broken leg and all.  He and his parents (Courtney and Fred) were in Charlottesville for a UVA basketball game.

Here Ryan helps Mommy answer her pager.  He's pretty good at it!

The Naked Chef:
Ryan enjoying lunch at home on a Saturday.  The best part of this picture is Duke under the table, nothing slips by this guy.