Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sliding with Duke

On Labor Day weekend, we spent some time at the playground in our neighborhood.  Duke could not bear to be left out, so followed Ryan all over the play equipment.  When Ryan would go down the slide, Duke would "run" (fall) down the slide after him.  It was hilarious.

Ryan also used Labor Day weekend as a chance to continue his exploration of Charlottesville wineries.  Here he is at Blenheim.

First Beach Trip and First Steps

In August, Ryan went on his first beach vacation to the Outer Banks.  He turned 11 months old at the beach, and had a great week :)  He was joined by Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Papa, Uncle Scott, Aunt Kristina, Nonny, and Duke.  Scott and Kristina had gotten engaged right before the trip, so there was lots to celebrate!  Congratulations Uncle Scott and Aunt Kristina!!  Here are our beach pics.

 The boys check out the walkway when we arrive at the beach house.

At 11 months, Ryan is an expert at walking holding onto someone's hand or even just someone's finger.  He is still working on getting up the confidence to let go.  During our beach trip, he spent hours just walking the beach holding someone's hand.  We all had a little back pain by the end of the week!  He did, however, let go accidentally and take a few steps on his own a couple of times.  It will be a fun memory of our first beach vacation :)

Here's Ryan walking with Nana- looks like a man on a mission!

Ryan woke up very very early at the beach every day.  Mommy has now seen more sunrises over the ocean than she could ever want.  Luckily there was lots of help on those early mornings.  Here's Ryan and Nana enjoying the peaceful views one morning.

Ryan was very attached to his Papa John during this beach trip.  They took many walks around the beach and had fun playing in the sand, flying kites, and exchanging hats.  Papa John was the only one to witness Ryan's first steps!  They were inseparable, so we have lots of pictures of the pair.

Here's Daddy and Papa enjoying the sea kayaks on a beautiful (early) morning.  They were surrounded by dolphins and pelicans.

It's a bird, it's a plane, no- it's superman Ryan with superman Scott!

When Ryan wasn't walking, he was having fun in the sand.

The bocci ball crew:

More walking with Mommy!

A rare breakdown:

Each evening, we would enjoy a drink on the beach and Ryan was obsessed with the beer bottles!  Where are this child's parents??

Family pics:

Still walking...

Duke had a great time at the beach too:

Cleaning up after a day at the beach was always an adventure.  Luckily, Ryan enjoyed the outdoor shower.

Back at the house, Ryan enjoyed playing Quidditch: