Monday, April 18, 2011

Around the House

On April 17, Ryan turned 7 months old!  This month we tried to take more pictures of Ryan hanging out around the house. 

Here's Ryan practicing with a sippy cup.  He is still trying to figure it out, but has a lot of fun playing with it.

Now that Ryan can sit up on his own, we have upgraded to the duck bathtub.  It's hilarious.  Bathtime is so much more fun now :)

Here are Ryan and Daddy looking handsome in their red shirts.

Time for a bedtime story...

Ryan has started to notice Duke more these days, and thinks he's hilarious.  We're not sure the feeling is mutual yet.

Nothing like a lazy Saturday morning!

We thought this little straw hat was so funny!  We were glad we had the camera to capture the photo op.