Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Half Birthday!

On St. Patrick's Day, Ryan celebrated his 6 month birthday.  We can't believe he's halfway through his first year already!  Ryan was very excited to finally start solid foods this month.  It was so hilarious- his face was classic after the first bite.  After a few weeks of practice now, he's a pro!  Here are some funny pictures from his first rice cereal experience:

During March Madness, Ryan decided to show his true colors- Duke Blue :)  Here he is getting ready to watch the ACC tournament.

Ryan is pretty into his toys these days.  Most of them go straight into his mouth!  Here he managed to get a toy in each hand plus one in his mouth.

Ryan's biggest accomplishment at six months is learning how to sit up on his own.  He still tips over now and then, but he's getting better at it each day. 

Here are some pictures of Ryan wearing his green for St. Patrick's Day: