Saturday, September 25, 2010

Visit from Courtney, James, and Katherine

Court, James, and Katherine came to visit and brought us lots of yummy food to help us through Ryan's first month.  These are some good lookin' kids:

Pretty Chill Baby

Getting Used to the Little Guy

Here we are trying to figure out what in the world we're supposed to be doing:

Duke gets exhausted babysitting:

Bath Time = NOT Happy Time

Ryan's first bath was a fantastic mess!  Thankfully, we changed our hardware and it was a more more pleasant experience for all the second time:

Going Home

Who knew figuring out a car seat nearly requires an advanced degree?!?  Somehow, we got Ryan safely into the seat and home:

Star of the Show

Ryan had a big first day with lots of visitors.  First, many Douglasses came to say hello:

Then the Chius came to visit:

Papa John also made sure Ryan got an early start on his baseball skills:

Ryan's First Day

Ryan was born on September 17, 2010, at 7:46 p.m., weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 20 inches long.  Ryan came out in a record 8 hours from the time we got to the hospital.  Thanks for taking it easy on mommy!